Wednesday Fellowship - 2.30-4.00pm

(2nd & 4th Wednesday each month)

A time of fellowship, chat, cake & tea 

A time too to share God's word.

Rascals & Clothes Bank are back on September 10th!

Radford Rascals (our stay & play group) now has a Baby & Toddler Clothes Bank!  Good quality, pre-loved clothes from newborn to pre-school age. All in good clean condition - take what you like, there is no charge. Donations of baby/toddler clothes always welcome.

Rascals & Clothes Bank are open Tuesdays 9.30-11.00am and Clothes Bank is also available during Community Cafe

on Fridays 10-12.



Services in September

Sunday, 8th at 10.30am         Morning Worship led by Katherine

Sunday, 15th at 10.30am       Communion Service led by Katherine

                                              ( Also to include Church Meeting.)

Sunday, 22nd at 10.30am      Sunday Cool and Family Harvest

                                               Parents will be invited to join us

Sunday, 29th at 10.30am       Morning Worship led by Katherine




Tuesdays - 

   Rascals & Clothes Bank are back on September 10th        

Radford Rascals + Baby & Toddler Clothes Bank - carer's & toddler's group Tuesdays 9.30-11.00am (term time only) Fee: £2 per family per session  - 

   * Clothes Bank is also open on Friday mornings during Community Cafe (10-12)


Tuesdays - 7.15pm - 8.00pm

Time For God - our weekly prayer group, currently held on 'Zoom' (email us if you would like the link to join in.)                       



2.30-4.00pm Wednesday Fellowship - all welcome! (2nd & 4th Wednesdays)


2.00-4.00pm Community Connect - activities, crafts etc

                                                                                       (1st & 3rd Wednesdays)


7.00-9.00pm Explore  - our Wednesday evening group consisting of, a simple soup supper, socialising and studying the Bible.

            (Please contact Katherine or Sally for details of forthcoming dates)



Community Cafe - Fridays 10am-12pm - Come along for coffee, cake & chat. Children welcome! 


Lego Club - Children must bring an adult and adults must bring a child!


Next Lego Club will be on Friday 13th September 6.30-7.30pm





About us...... 

As a Christian church, our main purpose is to worship and praise God, and of course, to share our Christian faith with others. The church is a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Reverend Katherine Pickford began her ministry here at Radford in October 2009 after completing her studies at Spurgeon's College, London. Katherine is kept busy with many of our regular church activities and is also involved in our local school and other village based organisations. (You can contact Katherine via the link on our 'Contact Us' page.)

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He lived, died and came back to life to bring us forgiveness, peace with God and eternal life. This is the GOOD NEWS that is the Gospel message! In all we do to bring God’s word to people in what is now largely considered to be a ‘God-less’ society, we uphold God’s word as being as relevant today as it was when it was written all those years ago. As a ‘Baptist’ church we adhere to the biblical teaching of baptism by full immersion – where only those old enough to accept Jesus and to understand what that means – are baptised in water as an outward sign of the ‘new life’ we enter into when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Because we don’t baptise infants or babies, we instead hold special ‘Dedication Services’ (similar to Christenings) where those bringing the child dedicate themselves to love and care for the child and the church members agree to help as we are able. We ask God's blessing and protection for the child and commit to help the child grow in their knowledge of Jesus . When old enough to understand what it means to become a Christian, it is up to the individual to decide whether or not to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour and to consider full baptism by immersion as a sign of their ‘new life’ and their commitment to God.

Music Ministry Team

As we are currently without a full-time worship leader, we would love to invite local musicians who could lead our Sunday worship, perhaps on an occasional basis. Ideally a guitarist/singer or keyboard/vocalist.


If you would like to join us please email Richard Malin at or Katherine Pickford at 


We enjoy a wide range of contemporary Christian music from the likes of Hillsong, Delirious, Noel Richards, Nicole Nordeman, Kari Jobe, Kirk Franklin, Michael Smith, Vicki Beeching, Matt Redman etc as well as some of the more traditional songs and hymns. 


As music plays such an important part of our regular worship services, we are always pleased when we are joined by visiting musicians to augment our resident worship band.


If you are a musician familiar with modern and traditional Christian worship music, we would love to meet you. Please e-mail the church if you would like to come and play at RSBC. (We would particularly welcome a bass guitarist.) We are not looking for virtuossos, just people who enjoy playing and who enjoy worshipping through the gift of music.


VOW (Voices of Worship) Gospel Choir is run by our worship leader Charlie. Check out the VOW page for details of rehearsal sessions etc.

Sessions will hopefully restart in the Autumn.


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